Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The community garden is being devoured by squash bugs. Nothing will kill them except 'squashing' them individually between our fingers and removing the eggs from the plants. TOADS LOVE to eat squash bugs!

Anyone knowing where toads can be found please put them into the melon, cucumber, and squash plants in The Garden.
A SUPER, COLOSSAL , GIGANTIC, HUGE ice cream sundae is offered to any person who will take 2 or more toads to the garden this week!!!!

Call Sister Cox to claim your sundae. She will deliver it (them) right away, as ordered.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"The Garden" Continues...

I can't believe that it has bee over a month since my last post. Time flies when the weeds are growing.

We have a fun activiy planned for this 24th of July week-end. Ada sent the following to be posted on "The Garden" Blog.

When the pioneers of 1847 first entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 24th it was a barren, alkali flat.  Our community garden area looks a lot like what those pioneers saw.  Over time, with prayers and work, they produced wonderful gardens and ample harvests... With the Lord's help, we can do the same.
The pioneers did morning chores before breakfast... so we are asking everyone to come to the garden and help with 'chores' before the Pioneer Breakfast at Christensen Park this Saturday, July 23. 
The garden work will begin at 7 a.m. and we will quit at 8 for breakfast next door at the park, and children's games, and a parade at 9:30  a.m.

Join us for an all morning Pioneer Celebration of fun!
Squash bugs are everywhere.  All degrees of divine intervention and 
voodoo magic are urgently needed!

We had three cute girls and their Primary teacher do some weeding in "The Garen",
and they are all still smiling.

A month ago we had a contest to see how many tomatoes were in the garden. Linda Trask won the contest with a guess of 25 red and 150 green.

The actual count was 16 red 229 green. Thanks to the Alexanders and Sister Cox for the official count.

We had fun that night and the kids planted peanuts and pumpkins. They made signs to mark their plantings.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

That's what  in store for your family this Wednesday evening, June 15th, at 'The Garden' from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  The children will be planting  peanuts and pumpkins, and cooling off with popsicle treats. Parents and youth will help prepare the ground for our excited little gardners, and will vie for the priviledge of picking the first ripe tomato, and bell pepper or chili pepper from the 
"The Garden".

The family that guesses the number of ripening tomatoes in the rows  gets first choice to pick.  (My guess is 103.  What do you think?) The cucumbers are blooming...  the squash is strutting its stuff...  beans are growing... weeds are dying!
The Corn is Coming

Get Ready for some Squash

We need some help turning over the soil where the children will be planting.  If you can come ahead anytime and help us, just go on down to 'The Garden".  The short rows are tagged with a red flag on the  north fence.  Spade on both sides of the furrow (small trench) from the existing plants northward to the fence.
Everything is greowing and looking good.
Thanks to Mike Alexander for the sturdy tool table and Dave Mortensen for the construction  It is so nice to have all the equipment organized.  Please return the hand spades that are missing.
Don't Worry, I have fixed it so they don't slide as bad now
Other Needs 

Also needed are pieces of 1/2" rebar about 14-18" long.  We are going to use sunscreening over PVC hoops to protect the tomatoes from sunscorch.  The PVC will slip down over the rebar stakes in the ground.  The sunscreening is now covering the compost pile.  Does anyone have old, scrap tarp that we could use to cover the compost pile, and protect it from blowing away?  (Call Bill or Ada 673-2663)
Important Notice

The electric fence is NOT operating yet.  We haven't had a varmint problem, but expect night visitors as soon as the produce
gets tasty.  Come this evening to learn how the electric fence works so you can EASILY AND SAFELY turn it off before entering.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Saturday Work Day

Saturday was another FUN day at "The Garden", the sky was blue and the weather was as perfect as it could be.

Corry Jones had his Grandkids over teaching them how to work, or were they teaching him?

 Reid Pope Team 
fertilized the tomatoes and peppers.

.Brother and Sister Roper and Brother Hanson took good care of the melon row.  Mike Alexander and his crew of farmers were busy weeding.

 Teria worked on our row while I took pictures and helped hang the new gates.

 And the Harr kids got the first harvest out of "The Children's Garden"

Because of the Holiday there won't be an official work day. But feel free to come and enjoy the outdoors and play in the dirt. It is GREAT therapy and it gets you off the "couch"

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Call For Help

Gardeners of all ages are enjoying "THE GARDEN" !  The Mike Alexander family have dug weeds and planted. Now, 7 year old Parker is our youngest (and THE BEST) irrigator.  He can set the siphon tube in one  easy and perfect move, and gets a strong, continual flow of water.  He even helps Bill Cox clean out the plugged tubes and restarts them on his own.

Anyone wanting personal instruction on how to irrigate with siphon tubes will find Parker at "THE GARDEN" with his boots on almost every Monday and Thursday afternoon around 4-5 pm .  Let an expert show you the tricks of the trade!!!


The squash, melons, corn, cucumbers and beans are about 3" high.  

'Time to fertilize the tomatoes and peppers.  We will work in THE GARDEN and on the fence on Saturday morning, May 21st,  from 9-11 am.  If you would like to come at another time/day just go on over and DIG up the bermuda that is growing between the rows (put all bermuda roots into the white buckets), or call the Cox's at 673-2663.

The Fruits of Our Labor are Coming

Sister Matthews points out some of the tomatoes that have started growing. the beans and squash are coming along nicely also. The corn is as high as a baby elephants ear and looking good. The peppers are doing good and we have one little bell pepper.

Br. Cox finally got a little help with his irrigating and I mean little in the size of the helper and not in the help. Sister Cox says he has been a big help getting the irrigating done. Parker Alexander has taken to the siphon tubes like a duck to water. But we all know how boys and water gravitate together.
The weeds in the garden are being pretty well taken care of. Crystal Smith is taking care of her row. Don't forget yours, and your neighbors if you have time I know someone has been helping me out. Thanks.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Seeds are POPPING!!


Seeds are popping up all over 'THE GARDEN' ... beans, cucumbers, squash, casabas, radish, cantaloupe, onions, and more!  The tomatoes and peppers look good.  We have a few more melon and bean seed to plant, and a lot of hoeing to do,

If you would like to help with these projects please come this Saturday morning, May 7th,  from 8-10:00 am.  If another time is more convenient for your family to work call Bill and Ada Cox (673-2663) and they will meet you at 'THE GARDEN' anytime.